Privacy Policy

Gametimeprime is commited to protecting your privacy and complying with all global privacy laws to the best of our ability. To ensure we are as compliant as possible we collect very little information and we protect that information with strong security. To find out more about specific topics related to our privacy policies please read below.

What information do we collect?

You are free to use the site without giving us any personal information.

How do we protect your information?

Your’s websites is hosted in the Singapore by top tier service providers who take privacy and security as seriously as you do.


We use a wide variety of other companies under agreements with us to serve third-party advertisements when you visit and use our network of sites. These companies may collect and use click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over during your visits to our network and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use tracking technologies to collect this information. Other companies’ use of their tracking technologies is subject to their own privacy policies, not this one.

3rd Parties and Privacy

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information.

California Online Privacy Protection Act

Because we value your privacy we have taken the necessary precautions to be in compliance with the California Online Privacy Protection Act.

Any updates to our privacy policy will be posted on this page, and/or we’ll update the Privacy Policy modification date below.

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