Dota Underlords Brute build: Stats, Items

Dota Underlords Brute Guide | Items Builds – Best Brute build guides for Dota Underlords for the meta. Learn more about Brute’s Stats, Abilities, Alliance.


  • Whenever a Brute attacks an enemy it applies a -30% damage debuff for 4 seconds. When the debuff is initially applied it deals 80 damage. Brutes prefer to attack enemies that do not have the debuff.
  • Whenever a Brute attacks an enemy it applies a -50% damage debuff for 4 seconds. When the debuff is initially applied it deals 120 damage. Brutes prefer to attack enemies that do not have the debuff.


Alchemist: Alchemist sprays high-pressure acid, affecting enemies up to 2 cells away from the target.Enemy units who step across the contaminated terrain take [10/20/35] damage per second and have their armor reduced by [-3/-6/-9].

Axe: When attacked, Axe has a [ 18/20/22 ]% chance to perform a helix counter attack, dealing [ 50/100/150 ] pure damage to all enemies within 1 cell.

Doom: Doom invokes a powerful curse that prevents an enemy from casting spells and applies break to them, while also taking [60/90/120] damage per second.

Lifestealer: Lifestealer’s attacks damage enemies and heal himself for [4.5/6/7]% of his target’s max health.

Spirit Breaker: Spirit Breaker charges towards a distant enemy, hitting it and enemies along the way for [100/150/200] damage and stunning them for [1.0/1.3/1.7] seconds.


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