Hey Guys! This is Blog Game Gametimeprime and this guide is about best Defender Pokemon in Pokemon Unite. Pokemon Unite starters: Which Pokémon should you pick?
There are 5 best Defender Pokémon to choose in Pokemon Unite: Snorlax, Crustle, Blastoise, Slowbro, Mamoswine.
Top 1: Snorlax
Snorlax can take a lot of hits. It’s a dependable Pokémon that can protect its allies from harm.
An Immovable Fortress that Outputs AoE Disables
Being able to shut down a lane at times with Block and Heavy Slam, Snorlax is a Pokemon that is welcome in the majority of teams.
Snorlax’s Unite Move is Power Nap, an attack in which Snorlax nods off and can roll around in its sleep to attack its opponents.
Top 2: Crustle
Crustle hinders its opponents using many different moves.
Defense into Offense
Crustle is still the defensive or offensive powerhouse depending on the situation. Crustle with Shell Smash and coupled with X Scissor can turn defense into offense with a press of a button.
By using its Unite Move, Rubble Rouser, Crustle covers itself in a swirl of rocks and keeps its opponents from getting anywhere near it.
Top 3: Blastoise
Blastoise has a massive body to shield its allies with—and the power to blast away its opponents with water.
An Actual Tank
High HP, High Damage, and decent fight control makes Blastoise a Pokemon with few counters and sits on the cusp of being broken.
Its Unite Move is Hydro Typhoon. Blastoise spins around and shoots out powerful blasts of water, washing away all opposing Pokémon around it.
Top 4: Slowbro
No matter the situation, Slowbro goes about life at its own pace. With its characteristic high defense and blissful unawareness, Slowbro is unfazed by opponents’ attacks.
Eternal Single-Target Disable
Slowbro is a Pokemon you choose if you want to play 4v4. It can completely shutdown a single player from the enemy team at the expense of being a sitting duck yourself.
Slowbro’s Unite Move is Slowbeam, which locks opponents in place. However, Slowbro itself also becomes unable to move, so it’s best to have some backup from allies.
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