Who is the best support in LoL Wild Rift mobile 2022 ?

Support in lol wild rift help facilitate protect your ADC, vision control, provide game-changing crowd control, and all about making sure things run smoothly for your team.

Support won’t be the one carrying your team with kills or clutch Smite steals. The following is a list top 3 Best support in lol Wild Rift mobile 2022: Seraphine, Lulu, Braum,.. Pick a couple of champions and try optimizing your gameplay around their abilities.

Top 1: Seraphine

Seraphine deals damage in a line, charming and slowing enemies. Encore extends if it touches an ally or enemy champion.

How to Play Seraphine in the support ?



Best build Seraphine Support wild rift

If Seraphine is a champion you’ve never played before, watch a couple of guides on YouTube to kickstart your journey.

Top 2: Lulu

Lulu enlarges an ally (or herself), knocking nearby enemies into the air and granting the ally a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.

How to Play Lulu in the Support?



Best build Lulu Support wild rift

If Lulu is a champion you’ve never played before, watch a couple of guides on YouTube to kickstart your journey.

Top 3: Braum

Braum’s basic attacks apply Concussive Blows. Once the first stack is applied, ally basic attacks also stack Concussive Blows. Upon reaching 4 stacks, the target is stunned and takes magic damage. For the next few seconds they cannot receive new stacks, but take bonus magic damage from Braum’s attacks.

How to Play Braum in the Support?



Best build Braum Support wild rift

If Braum is a champion you’ve never played before, watch a couple of guides on YouTube to kickstart your journey.

PM: You should expect all listed champions to move up or down as time progresses. Because of, tier lists for League won’t hold up when it comes to Wild Rift.

Read more: Who is the Best Jungle in LoL Wild Rift

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