Ignis AOV S24 build guide : Arcana, Rune, Items and Counter

How to play Ignis AOV ?

Ignis Arcana, Rune, Item Builds Guide for Arena of Valor (AoV). Ignis is a mage who ability burst down the enemy tanks and carries when played correctly.

Overview Ignis



Hero Spotlight

Spell’s Ignis


Arcana‘s Ignis

We should use Arcana:

Violate x 10
Ability Power: +4.2
Magic Pierce: +2.4
Benevolence x 10Max HP: +45
HP: +5.2 / 5 sec
Movement Speed: +0.4%
Hex x 10Ability Power: +2.4
Cooldown Speed: +0.7%

Item’s Ignis

Orb of the Magi+140 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Speed
Unique Passive -Bide: Gains 12 ability power and 110 HP every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times. Unique Passive – From the Ashes: When the hero gains a level20% of HP and Mana are restored over 3 seconds.
Glided Greaves+110 Magic Defense
Unique Passive – Movement Speed +60
Unique Passive – Resistance +35%
Berith’s AgonyI+140 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Speed
+220 armor
Unique Passive – Torture: Ability damage inflicts additional magic damage equal to 3% of target’s current HP (up to 80 against monsters) for 3 seconds.
Hecate’s Diadem+240 Ability Power
Unique Passive – Warlock: Ability Power +35%
Rhea’s Blessing+140 Ability Power 10% Cooldown Speed
Unique Passive – Life Shield: Gains a shield that absorbs 450 (+per level)(+40% ability power) damage when HP falls below 40%. The shield lasts 4 seconds and has a 75-second cooldown.
Unique Passive – Magic Life Steal +25%
Boomstick+240 Ability Power
Unique Passive – Explosion: Ability hits trigger a small-area explosion that deals 50 (+50 ability power)magic damage. 5-second cooldown.

Rune’s Ignis



Ignis’s ability order

Hero counter to Ignis

Read more: Zill Aov

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