Veigar counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Veigar

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Veigar in wild rift?”

Veigar functions perfectly fine as a scaling, high-burst AP mid laner, essentially as a low-range, low-mobility mage that has extremely high burst and scaling.

To counter Veigar, you need…

Understand skill of Veigar

  1. PASSIVE – PHENOMENAL EVIL POWER: Veigar is the greatest Evil to ever strike at the hearts of Runeterra – and he’s only getting bigger! Striking an enemy Champion with a spell or scoring a takedown grants Veigar permanently increased Ability Power.
  2. BALEFUL STRIKE: Veigar unleashes a bolt of dark energy that deals magic damage to the first two enemies hit. Units killed by this bolt grant Veigar some ability power permanently.
  3. DARK MATTER: Veigar calls a great mass of dark matter to fall from the sky to the target location, dealing magic damage when it lands. Stacks of Phenomenal Evil reduce Dark Matter’s cooldown.
  4. EVENT HORIZON: Veigar twists the edges of space, creating a cage that Stuns enemies that pass through.
  5. PRIMORDIAL BURST: Blasts target enemy champion, dealing a large amount of magic damage, increasing based on the target’s missing health.
+ Good mid to late game.
+ Low CDR.
+ Good zoning.
+ Team orientated items.
+ Safe laning.
+ May tilt your opponents.
+ Cheap build.
+ Tanky.
– Weak early game.
– Reliant on stacking passi

Who can counters Veigar in wild rift?

Best Picks Against Veigar: Fizz, Katarina, Zed,…

Worst Picks Against Veigar: Ziggs, Twited Fate, Ahri, Annie,…

Items counters Veigar in wild rift?

Tip Counter

You need to avoid Dark Matter as it deals massive damage when it lands.

Deny him farm early or he will be very pain later on.

If you’re playing AP against Veigar, get Zhonya’s hourglass ASAP.

Veigar’s stun field will only stun targets around the edge. So you can either stay inside the ring, or Flash out of it.

Read more: Veigar wild rift

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