Vladimir counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Vladimir

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Vladimir in wild rift?”

Vladimir has great sustain and escape/invulnerability skill in his toolkit.

To counter Vladimir, you need…

Understand skill of Vladimir

  1. PASSIVE – CRIMSON PACT: Every 40 points of bonus Health gives Vladimir 1 Ability Power and every 1 point of Ability Power gives Vladimir 1.4 bonus Health (does not stack with itself).
  2. Skill 1 – TRANSFUSION: Vladimir steals life from the target enemy. When Vladimir’s resource is full, Transfusion will benefit from massively increased damage and healing for a brief time.
  3. SKill 2 – SANGUINE POOL: Vladimir sinks into a pool of blood, becoming untargetable for 2 seconds. Additionally, enemies on the pool are slowed and Vladimir siphons life from them.
  4. SKill 3 – TIDES OF BLOOD: Vladimir pays his own health to charge up a reservoir of blood which, when released, deals damage in the area around him but can be blocked by enemy units.
  5. Ultimate – HEMOPLAGUE: Vladimir infects an area with a virulent plague. Affected enemies take increased damage for the duration. After a few seconds, Hemoplague deals magic damage to infected enemies and heals Vladimir for each enemy Champion hit.
Great Sustain with Transfusion
Top Tier Late Game Carries
Great Engage in Teamfights
Amazing AoE attack with Tides of Blood
Uses HP instead of Mana
Scales Well with AP items
Great Escape Tool with Sanguine Pool
Shines In Team Fights
Hard to farm with early (in terms of AD)
Easy kit to learn, difficult to master
High cooldowns early game.
Has no hard crowd control
Very prone to ganks when Sanguine Pool is down
Not the strongest against shields
Early game can be a struggle for newcomers
Lack of mobility

Who can counters Vladimir in wild rift?

Best Picks Against Vladimir: Nasus, Pantheon, Garen, Master Yi, Jax,…

Using champion gets high dmg dps..

Worst Picks Against Vladimir: Katarina, Lux, Orianna,…

Items counters Vladimir in wild rift?

Saving an Ignite against a Vladimir will significantly hinder his ability to sustain himself in a fight.

Vladimir’s ultimate can be cured by buying a Quicksilver Sash

Tip Counter

Do not clump against a Vladimir when he still ultimate.

Vladimir’s early game is very weak. Try to pick a champion who can put a lot of pressure on him.

After used Sanguine Pool, Vladimir is most vulnerable. Beacuse it has a long cooldown and is Vladimir’s only escape ability.

If he uses his Skill 1 to last hit a minion or heal then that’s a good time to go in on him.

Short trades against Vladimir are not very effective as he can heal much of his health back from an enemy champion during and after the engagement.

Read more: Vladimir wild rift build

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