Akshan counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Akshan

I will share the topic: ”How to Counter Akshan in wild rift?”

Akshan is a new kind of Assassin who has unparalleled target access.

To counter Akshan, you need…

Who can counters Akshan in wild rift?

Picking one champion you are familiar with and trying your best… Just make sure that champiom are up to the challenge, and are willing to go all out against this awful champion.

Best Picks Against Akshan: Camile, Wukong, Malphite, Yasuo, Nasus…

Worst Picks Against Akshan : Jihin, Jinx, vayne, Ashe…

Items counters Akshan in wild rift?

Exhaust and other abilities like exhaust (Lee Sin Cripple are really helpful tool against kalista because it will reduce his kiting potential by decreasing his movement speed and attack speed.

Attack speed slow item is very good agianst Akshan. Buying a Frozen Heart or Ramduin’s Omen will reduce the amount of shots from the Culling (if you are nearby), thus reducing the amount of damage dealt.

Tips Counter

If Akshan is roaming, make sure that you follow him only when you have vision of him.

Keep the wave in the middle of the lane for as long as possible. It will help you farm, as well as poke Akshan to death in the lane. Stay away from the terrain at all times.

Understand skill of Akshan

Passive – Dirty Fighting

  • Every three hits from Akshan’s attacks and damaging abilities deal a burst of physical damage. If the target was a champion, Akshan also gains a shield.
  • After attacking, Akshan fires a second attack that deals reduced physical damage. The second shot can be canceled like a regular basic attack. If Akshan cancels the second shot he gains a burst of move speed.

Skill 1 – Avengerang

  • Akshan throws a boomerang that deals physical damage and reveals enemies hit, extending its range each time it hits an enemy. Enemies can be hit once as the boomerang goes out and once as it returns.

SKill 2 – Going Rogue

  • Passive: When enemy champions kill one of Akshan’s allies, they are marked as Scoundrels. When Akshan gets a takedown on a Scoundrel he gains bonus gold, all allies killed by the Scoundrel are resurrected at their base, and Scoundrel status is removed from all other enemies.
  • Active: Akshan becomes camouflaged for a short duration, or indefinitely while near terrain. During this time, Akshan can see trails leading toward Scoundrels and gains move speed and mana regeneration while moving toward them.

Skill 3 – Heroic Swing

  • Akshan fires a hookshot that embeds in the first terrain hit. While embedded, he can recast to swing around the terrain in the cast direction, firing physical damage bullets at the nearest enemy while swinging. While swinging, he can recast again to jump off in the direction of the cursor and fire a final shot.
  • Heroic Swing’s cooldown resets when Akshan earns a takedown on an enemy champion.

Ultimate – Comeuppance

  • Akshan locks onto an enemy champion and begins channeling power into his gun to store bullets. At the end of the duration or after recasting Akshan unleashes the stored bullets, each dealing physical damage based on missing health to the first minion, champion, or structure hit.
  • Akshan can move normally and cast Heroic Swing while channeling and firing Comeuppance.
+ Mobility.
+ Extremely high damage.
– Hard to play.
– Squish.

Read more: Akshan wild rift build

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