Counter Zed Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Zed

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Zed wild rift?”

Zed is an Assassin who has High Mobility, Outplay potential and Deals High Damage.

To counter Zed, you need…

Understand skill of Zed

  • PASSIVE – CONTEMPT FOR THE WEAK: Zed’s basic attacks against low health targets deals bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every few seconds on the same target.
  • RAZOR SHURIKEN: Zed and his shadows throw their shurikens. Each shuriken deals damage to every enemy hit.
  • LIVING SHADOW: Passive: Zed gains energy whenever he and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability. Energy can only be gained once per cast ability. Active: Zed’s shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for a few seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause Zed to switch positions with this shadow.
  • SHADOW SLASH: Zed and his shadows slash, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • ULTIMATE – DEATH MARK: Zed becomes untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After a few seconds the mark triggers, repeating a portion of all the damage Zed dealt to the target while they were marked. Zed leaves a shadow behind and can reactive Death Mark to switch places with this shadow.
+ High Mobility
+ Outplay potential
+ Strong up until lategame
+ Easy to farm in lane with passive
+ Ability to escape from bad situations
– Can’t beat armor stacked champions
– Mediocre in teamfights
– Very High Skill Cap
– Has item counters
– Vulnerable to crowd control and good peel from enemy tanks and supports

Who can counters Zed wild rift?

Best Picks Against Zed: Malphite, Garen, Gragas…

Worst Picks Against Zed: Twisted Fate, Wukong, Orianna,…

Items, Rune, Spell counters Zed wild rift?

Tips counter

  • Zed relies heavily on the equipment and physical damage he buys, so increasing armor is a pretty effective way to counter him.
  • After Zed uses LIVING SHADOW, he becomes quite passive, as most of his damage, slow and maneuverability comes from the clone.
  • Zed’s SHADOW SLASH can only slow if his clone hits you.

Read more: Zed wild rift build

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