Hey Guys! This is Blog Gametimeprime and this guide is about TFT Miss Fortune items and comps set 6.
Cost: 3 $
Make it Rain
Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around a random enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50% for 6 seconds.
- Damage: 200 / 300 / 450
Items Build
What items are good on Miss Fortune TFT?
Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each planning phase, roll the dice to add more loot to the chest! The longer you’ve gone without opening the chest, the luckier the dice.
- 3- Roll two dice.
- 5- Roll a third dice that grants you a bonus orb right away.
Snipers deal bonus damage for each hex between themselves and their target.
- 2- 9% bonus damage per hex.
- 4- 16% bonus damage per hex.
- 6- 30% bonus damage per hex.
Video guide
Read more: TFT Team Comps