Teemo counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Teemo

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Teemo in wild rift?”

Teemo is a great pick whenever you want to climb, or you are just tired and want to level up or try new things

To counter Teemo, you need…

Understand skill of Teemo

  • PASSIVE – TOXIC SHOT: Teemo’s attacks deal bonus magic damage over time.
  • BLINDING DART: Teemo fires a dart that blinds its target, causing its attacks to deal no damage for a brief period.
  • MOVE QUICK: Teemo scampers around, passively increasing his Movement Speed until he is struck by an enemy champion or turret. Activating Move Quick causes Teemo to roll forward a short distance, sprinting for a few seconds. During this time, Move Quick’s passive speed is doubled, and cannot be removed by damage.
  • GUERILLA WARFARE: After a delay, Teemo becomes camouflaged, unable to be seen unless near an enemy champion or turret. After exiting camouflage, Teemo gains Attack Speed.
  • ULTIMATE – NOXIOUS TRAP: Teemo throws an explosive poisonous trap using one of the mushrooms stored in his pack. If an enemy steps on the trap, it will release a poisonous puddle, slowing enemies and damaging them over time. If Teemo throws a mushroom onto another mushroom it will bounce, gaining additional range.
+ Very flexible
+ Bully a lot of champions early game
+ Can generate paranoia in enemy team
+ Decent vision control and pressure
– Squishy

Who can counters Teemo in wild rift?

Best Picks Against Teemo: Zed, Pantheon, Akali, Rengar, Kha’zix,…

Worst Picks Against Teemo: Tryndamere, Garen, Darius, Gragas, Vayne,…

Items counters Teemo in wild rift?

Tips counter

  1. You need Avoid fighting a Teemo if you’re an auto-attack based champion.
  2. Move Quick is on a long cooldown. So, Teemo is weak against gap closers.
  3. When chasing Teemo, don’t take his exact path.

Read more: Teemo wild rift build

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