Hey Guys! This is Blog Gametimeprime and this guide is about TFT Glutton Comp and Item Build set 6.
- 1- Once per planning phase, you can feed a unit to Tahm Kench. This unit is consumed, granting permanent bonus stats. The more valuable the unit, the bigger the bonus. To feed Tahm Kench, hover a unit over him until his mouth opens, then release.
Items build
Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly and dealing 3 magic damage damage over the duration. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes 40% reduced damage. If they die while inside, Tahm Kench spits out a random item component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets they impact.
Read more: TFT Team Comps