Hey Guys! This is Blog Gametimeprime and this guide is about TFT Leona items and comps set 6.
Cost: 3$
Solar Eclipse
Leona calls down a beacon of light upon herself, granting herself shield for 4 seconds. Leona and all allies within two hexes gain Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration.
- Shield: 500 / 800 / 1300
- Armor and Magic Resistance: 30 / 50 / 80
Items Build
What items are good on Leona TFT?
Sparring Glo
Academics have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power, and can learn from their allies, increasing this bonus whenever an ally casts an ability.
- 2 – 15 AD & AP; 4 bonus AD & AP
- 4 – 30 AD & AP; 7 bonus AD & AP
- 6 – 50 AD & AP; 10 bonus AD & AP
- 8 – 70 AD & AP; 15 bonus AD & AP
Bodyguards have increased Armor. Shorly after combat begins, Bodyguards taunt adjacent enemies.
- 2- 60 Armor
- 4- 120 Armor
- 6- 200 Armor
- 8- 350 Armor
Video guide
Read more: TFT Team Comps