Best Champion in LoL: Wild Rift 2025 are: Fiora, Lee Sin, Yasuo, Kha’Zix, Camille, Zed, Diana, Lucian, Jayce, Varus. These champions are very hard to counter and have the ability to carry and win every game.
Top 1: Fiora
- Strong duelist.
- Excellent scaling.
- Great split-pushing.
- High mobility.
Top 2: Lee Sin
- AoE.
- Very Mobile.
- Very sustainable.
- Slows.
- Good burst.
- Energy.
- Can deal damage based on enemy health.
- Can shield to team, shielding him and his target.
- Attack speed with every ability.
Top 3: Yasuo
- Super mobile carry.
- Low cooldown on abilities.
- Hyperscales into lategame.
- Ressourceless.
- Very rewarding when mastered.
- Good in teamfights and as a splitpusher.
- Snowballs really well when given a lead.
Top 4: Kha’Zix
- High burst damage.
- Easy to learn.
- Fun to play.
- Powerful duelist.
- High carry potential.
- Very strong once you have core items
Top 5: Camille
- Sustain with Tactical Sweep.
- Adaptive Defenses makes sure she wins trades.
- True Damage.
- Hookshot lives out your dreams of Attack on Titan.
- High Mobility, making Camille great at splitpushing.
Top 6: Zed
- Strong laning.
- Strong splitpusher.
- High outplay potential.
- High mobility.
- Easy to farm.
Top 7: Diana
- Good even when behind
- Insane Crowd Control
- Disgusting Healing
- Force Enemy To Build Healing Reduction
- Can Easily Snowball With Early Kills
Top 8: Lucian
- Very Mobile.
- High In Burst.
- Good Lane Phase.
Top 9: Jayce
- Multiple Playstyles
- Strong Early-Mid Game
- Good Damage Output
- Gets Stronger With The Player
Top 10: Varus
- High CC.
- Lots of damage.
- Can kill tanks pretty quickly due to his Blighted Quiver.
- Long-ranged poke.