Counter Jarvan IV Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Jarvan IV

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Jarvan IV is an Fighter who strong early game and strong teamfight presence,…

To counter Jarvan IV, you need…

Understand skill of Jarvan IV

  • PASSIVE – MARTIAL CADENCE: Jarvan’s first basic attack on an enemy deals bonus physical damage based on their current Health. This effect cannot occur again on the same enemy for a few seconds.
  • DRAGON STRIKE: Jarvan IV extends his lance, dealing physical damage and lowering the Armor of enemies in its path. Additionally, this will pull Jarvan to his Demacian Standard, knocking up enemies in his path.
  • GOLDEN AEGIS: Jarvan IV calls upon the ancient kings of Demacia to shield him from harm and slow surrounding enemies.
  • DEMACIAN STANDARD: Jarvan IV carries the pride of Demacia, passively granting him bonus Attack Speed. Activating Demacian Standard allows Jarvan IV to place a Demacian flag that deals magic damage on impact and grants Attack Speed to nearby allied champions. Cast again to automatically cast Dragon Strike to the flag.
  • ULTIMATE – CATACLYSM: Jarvan IV heroically leaps into battle at a target with such force that he terraforms the surrounding area to create an arena around them. Nearby enemies are damaged at the moment of impact.
+ Strong early game
+ Easy to learn
+ Good, long range engage
+ Adaptable builds
+ Decent waveclear
+ Flag provides vision
+ Strong teamfight presence
– Squishy early
– Easy to kite without Cataclysm
– Long cooldowns early on
– Doesn’t scale as hard as many other junglers
– Cataclysm damage can be flashed

Who can counters Jarvan IV wild rift?

Best Picks Against Jarvan IV (Jungle): Shyvana, Vi, Jax, Wukong, Fiddlesticks,…

Worst Picks Against Jarvan IV (Jungle): Mundo, Gragas, Rammus, Master Yi,…

Tips counter

  • Dodge the line between Jarvan IV and his DEMACIAN STANDARD to avoid being thrown into the air.
  • The terrain CATACLYSM creates is a formidable obstacle, but some teleportation skills can help overcome it.

Read more: Jarvan IV wild rift build

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