LOL Wild Rift Senna Guide

League of Legends Wild Rift Senna Build Guide Runes, Item Builds. Get to know how his abilities and ability Order for Senna. Senna boasts an amazing set of abilities that provide so much to your team.

Senna is capable of turning teamfights around with her Ultimate (Dawning Shadow) and camouflaging an entire team into gank with her skill 3 (Curse of the Black Mist).


  • Role: Marksman
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • PASSIVE – ABSOLUTION: When units die near Senna, their souls are periodically trapped by the Black Mist. Senna can attack these souls to free them, absorbing the Mist that held them in death. Mist fuels her Relic Cannon’s power with increased Attack Damage, Attack Range, and Critical Strike Chance. Attacks from Senna’s Relic Cannon take longer to fire, deals bonus damage , and briefly grant her a portion of her target’s Movement Speed.
  • Skill 1 – PIERCING DARKNESS: From the twin barrels of her Relic Cannon, Senna fires a unified beam of light and shadow through a target, healing allies and damaging enemies.
  • Skill 2- LAST EMBRACE: Senna sends forth a wave of Black Mist. If it hits an enemy it latches onto them hungrily, rooting them and everything nearby after a brief delay.
  • Skill 3 – CURSE OF THE BLACK MIST: Senna draws the Mist she has stored in her weapon into a storm around her, embracing darkness and becoming a wraith within. Allies who enter the area are camouflaged and also appear as wraiths as the Mist shrouds them. Wraiths gain increased movement speed, are unselectable, and hide their identities.
  • Ultimate – DAWNING SHADOW: Senna calls upon the relic stones of fallen Sentinels, splitting her relic cannon into a holy array of shadow and light. She then fires a global beam that shields allies from harm, while damaging enemies caught in the center.

Pros and Cons

+ Unique support playstyle.
+ Has solo carry potential.
+ Has good damage and healing.
+ Global ult to turn teamfights across the map.
+ Strong early game and late game.
+ Versatile runes and build path.
+ Infinitely Scaling.
+ Great AD/AP Ratios.
+ Global Ultimate.
+ Fun and unique kit.
+ Camouflage entire team with your Skill 3.
+ Amazing Utility.
– Squishy, weak to dives.
– Relies on allies’ waveclear to get souls.
– Needs to play aggressive.
– Low crit damage.
– Weak mid-game.
– Low mobility.
– Easy-to-Miss ultimate.
– Can’t deal with tanks.
– Slow exploitable auto-attack animations.
– Extremely vulnerable VS Engage tanks/supports.
– Complicated item synergy with kit.
– Slow projectile with delayed CC.
– No escapes excluding Flash.
– Very expensive mana costs.

Wild Rift Senna Spells

The Best Spells for Senna (ADC) in Wild Rift is Flash and Heal.

  • Flash: Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction (150 second cooldown).
  • Heal: Restore 80 − 360 (based on level) health and grants 30% bonus movement speed for 1 second to you and the most wounded nearby ally champion (120 second cooldown). Healing is halved for champions recently affected by Heal.

The Best Spells for Senna (Support) in Wild Rift is Flash and Exhaust.

  • Flash: Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction (150 second cooldown).
  • Exhaust: Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their movement speed by 20% and their damage dealt by 40% for 2.5 seconds (105 second cooldown).

Wild Rift Senna Runes

The Best Runes for Senna (ADC) in Wild Rift are The Summon Aery, Brutal, Huter Titan, Sweet Tooth.

Summon Aery

Basic attacks and abilities against an enemy champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 10 – 60 (based on level) (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) Adaptive damage. Healing, shielding, or buffing an ally signals Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 20 – 120 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) for 2 seconds.

Aery lingers on the target for 2 seconds before flying back to the user, and cannot be sent out again until she returns. Aery is initially very slow, but gradually accelerates, and can be picked up by moving near her.

Adaptive Damage: Deals either physical or magic damage depending on your bonus stats, defaulting based on the origin of the effect.


Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% magic penetration. (Adaptive)

Hunter Titan

Gain 20 max health.

Unique champion takedowns grant 20 max health and 4% tenacity.

Sweet Tooth

Increases Honyfruit healing by 25%, Each fruit also provides 20 gold. Provides bonus gold when you or a nearby ally eat Honeyfruit.

The Best Runes for Senna (Support) in Wild Rift are The Summon Aery, Brutal, Huter Titan, Sweet Tooth.

Summon Aery

Basic attacks and abilities against an enemy champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 10 – 60 (based on level) (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) Adaptive damage. Healing, shielding, or buffing an ally signals Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 20 – 120 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 20% AP) for 2 seconds.

Aery lingers on the target for 2 seconds before flying back to the user, and cannot be sent out again until she returns. Aery is initially very slow, but gradually accelerates, and can be picked up by moving near her.

Adaptive Damage: Deals either physical or magic damage depending on your bonus stats, defaulting based on the origin of the effect.

Gathering Storm

2 AD or 4 AP / 5 AD or 10 AP / 9 AD or 18 AP / 14 AD or 28 AP every 3 minutes. (Adaptive)

Bone Plating

After taking damage from a champion, the next 3 champion abilities or attacks against you within 1.5s Deal 30-60 Less Damage.

45s Cooldown

Manaflow Band

Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or empowered attack permanently increases your max mana by 30, up to 300 mana.

Wild Rift Senna Items

The Best Items to build on Senna in Wild Rift are:

  • Any item that gives you enough mana.
  • CDR (Cooldown Reduction).
  • Ability Power to spam your abilities non stop.

Senna’s starters

The Best starting starters for Senna in Wild Rift is The Tear Of The Goddess.


The Best Boots for Senna (ADC) in Wild Rift are: Gluttonous Greaves Or Lonian Boots of Lucidity.

Senna’s core items

The Best Core Items for Senna (ADC) in Wild Rift are: Manamune, Black Cleaver, Youmuu’s Ghostblade.

The Best Core Items for Senna (Support AP) in Wild Rift are: Ardent Censer, Archangel’s Staff, Harmonic Echo.

Full Items

The Best Full Items for Senna (ADC) in Wild Rift are: Manamune, Gluttonous Greaves, Black Cleaver, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Mortal Reminder, Guardian Angel, Stasis Enchant.

The Best Full Items for Senna (Support AP) in Wild Rift are: Ardent Censer, Lonian Boots of Lucidity, Archangel’s Staff, Harmonic Echo, Protector’s Vow, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Stasis Enchant.

Ability Order Senna Wild Rift

Best Skill Order for Senna in Wild Rift is: Skill 1 > Skill 2 > Ultimate > Skill 3.


Combo Senna Wild Rift

Best combo for Senna in Wild Rift are:

  • Skill 2 > AA > Skill 1 > Ultimate.
  • Skill 2 > AA > Skill 1 > AA > Ultimate.

Threats & Synergies




Senna’s early game is about harassing the enemy while being able to farm from a safe distance, and using Last Embrace to set up kills.

Mid – late game you want to be keeping a close eye on the minimap, trying to find good opportunities to be casting your ult and saving an ally, and/or sniping an enemy.

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