TFT Tier List : Origin – Classes (Teamfight Tactics Set 6)

Hey Guys! This is Blog Gametimeprime and this guide is about TFT tier list set 6.

TFT Origin Tier List


Academics have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power, and can learn from their allies, increasing this bonus whenever an ally casts an ability.

2 – 15 AD & AP; 4 bonus AD & AP

4 – 30 AD & AP; 7 bonus AD & AP

6 – 50 AD & AP; 10 bonus AD & AP

8 – 70 AD & AP; 15 bonus AD & AP


After dropping below 60% Health, Chemtech champions gain 25% Damage Reduction, 50% Attack Speed, and regenerate 5% of their maximum Health each second.

3 – Lasts 4 seconds

5 – Lasts 8 seconds

7 – Lasts 15 seconds

9 – Lasts until combat ends


All allies have increased Attack Speed, and additional Attack Speed for each Hextech Augment you own.

2 – 10% Attack Speed & 7% per Augment.

4 – 30% Attack Speed & 15% per Augment.

6 – 50% Attack Speed & 25% per Augment


1- Yuumi attaches herself to her nearest ally at start of combat, or to the lowest Health ally after being briefly unattached. Attaching grants the ally a shield equal to a portion of Yuumi’s maximum health, and Yuumi detaches if the shield is broken. While attached Yuumi is untargetable and can’t attack, but gains mana per second, and whenever the ally attacks.


Enforcers detain enemies at the start of combat, temporarily removing them from combat.

2 – Detain the enemy who has the most Health.

4 – Detain the enemy who dealt the most damage last combat.


1 – Once per planning phase, you can feed a unit to Tahm Kench. This unit is consumed, granting permanent bonus stats. The more valuable the unit, the bigger the bonus. To feed Tahm Kench, hover a unit over him until his mouth opens, then release.


Mutants gain unique bonuses. These are different each game.

3 – ???

5 – ???


At the start of combat, the Imperial who dealt the most damage last combat becomes the Tyrant. The Tyrant deals bonus damage. When the Tyrant dies, the Imperial who has dealt the most damage this combat becomes the new Tyrant.

3 – 60% bonus damage

5 – 100% bonus damage


Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each planning phase, roll the dice to add more loot to the chest! The longer you’ve gone without opening the chest, the luckier the dice.

3 – Roll two dice.

5 – Roll a third dice that grants you a bonus orb right away.


At the start of combat, a number of incomplete components on Scrap champions turn into an ephemeral full item for that combat. Additionally, at the start of combat, Scrap champions gain a Health shield increasing with each item equipped in your army.

2 – 1 incomplete component

4 – 3 incomplete components

6 – All incomplete components; Health bonus is doubled


2 – Sisters are empowered by trying to one-up each other. Vi’s ability range increases by two hexes. Jinx gains stacking Attack Speed for 3 seconds on takedown.


Socialite reveal a spotlight on the battlefield. The unit standing in the spotlight at the start of combat gains unique bonuses.

1 – Bonus Damage

2 – Bonus Mana Regen

3 – Bonus Omnivamp


Chosen allies are cloaked in shadows, gaining Omnivamp, Armor, and Magic Resistance.

3 – The Syndicate champion with the lowest current Health.

5 – All Syndicate champions

7 – All Allies. All bonuses are increased.


3 – After combat with a player, a random free Yordle appears on your bench!

6 – Yordle’s mana cost are reduced.

TFT Class Tier List


Allies have increased Spell Power

2 – All allies gain 20% Ability Power.

4 – Arcanists gain an additional 40%.

6 – All allies gain 40% Ability Power. Arcanists gain an additional 50%.8All allies gain 120% Ability Power.


Innate: Assassins jump to the enemy backline at the start of combat. Assassins’ Abilities can critically strike, and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage.

2 – 10% Crit Chance & 25% Crit Damage

4 – 30% Crit Chance & 50% Crit Damage

6 – 50% Crit Chance & 75% Crit Damage


All allies have increased Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.

2 – 150 Health

4 – 300 Health

6 – 500 Health

8 – 900 Health


Bodyguards have increased Armor. Shorly after combat begins, Bodyguards taunt adjacent enemies.

2 – 60 Armor

4 – 120 Armor

6 – 200 Armor

8 – 350 Armor


Innate: Colossus are bigger, more powerful, and take up two slots in your army.

1 – Colossus are immune to Crowd Control effects.

2 – Colossus take 25% reduced damage.


Challengers have increased Attack Speed. Upon landing a takedown on their target, challengers will dash to a new target, doubling this bonus for 2.5 seconds.

2 – 30% Attack Speed

4 – 70% Attack Speed

6 – 125% Attack Speed

8 – 200% Attack Speed


Enchanters’ healing and shielding are stronger, and all Allies gain increased Magic Resistance.

2 – 20% Healing & Shielding; 20 Magic Resistance

3 – 25% Healing & Shielding; 35 Magic Resistance

4 – 30% Healing & Shielding; 50 Magic Resistance

5 – 40% Healing & Shielding; 75 Magic Resistance


Innovators build a mechanical companion to join their battle.

3 – Mechanical Scarab

5 – Mechanical Bear

7 – Mechanical Dragon


Protectors shield themselves for 4 seconds whenever they cast a spell. This shield doesn’t stack.

2 – 18% Maximum Health Shield

3 – 30% Maximum Health Shield

4 – 45% Maximum Health Shield

5 – 60% Maximum Health Shield


All allies restore some mana every 2 seconds.

2 – 5 Mana

4 – 15 Mana

6 – 30 Mana


Snipers deal bonus damage for each hex between themselves and their target.

2 – 9% bonus damage per hex.

4 – 16% bonus damage per hex.

6 – 30% bonus damage per hex.


Whenever a Twinshot attacks, they have a chance to attack twice instead.

2 – 40%

4 – 70%

6 – 100%


1 – Transformers have two forms that they can swap in between during planning phase depending on whether they are placed in the frontline or backline.

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