Irelia counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Irelia

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Irelia in wild rift?”

Irelia has good diving potential, good wave clearing, and snowball very easy. She so quick and agile can move quickly with her dashes.

To counter Irelia, you need…

Understand skill of Irelia

  • PASSIVE – IONIAN FERVOR: When Irelia strikes enemies with spells she gains stacking bonus Attack Speed. At maximum stacks she also gains bonus damage on hit.
  • Skill 1 – BLADESURGE: Irelia dashes forward to strike her target, healing herself. If the target is Marked or dies to Bladesurge, its cooldown refreshes.
  • Skill 2 – DEFIANT DANCE: Irelia charges a strike that deals more damage as she charges. She takes reduced physical damage during the charge.
  • Skill 3 – FLAWLESS DUET: Irelia sends out two blades which converge on each other. Enemies caught in between are damaged, stunned and Marked.
  • Ultimate – VANGUARD’S EDGE: Irelia fires a massive number of blades that explode outward upon hitting an enemy champion. Enemies hit by the blades are damaged and Marked. Afterwards the blades form a wall that will damage and slow enemies that walk through it.
+ High mobility
+ Has sustain built into her kit
+ Easy to farm
+ High outplay potential with massive mobility
+ Is able to be a lane bully if played well
– Easily far behind
– Requires minions for outplays
– Require 5 stacks of passive to deal damage
– Vulnerable to any CC

Who can counters Irelia in wild rift?

Best Picks Against Irelia: Nasus, Darius, Pantheon, Fiora, Malphite,…

A good Nasus will always have potential to make your matchup a farm lane & stack for free, which will force him to completely outscale you.

Worst Picks Against Irelia: Zed, Diana, Gragas,…

Items counters Irelia in wild rift?

Items attack speed reduction is extremely strong against Irelia, which lessens the effectiveness of her Hiten Style’s active.

Items Removes all crowd control.

Tip Counter

Pressure her early if possible.

Be wary of being near low-health minions as she can dash on them to get closer to you.

Read more: Irelia wild rift build

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