This tier list will consist of all the current Meta Bot Lane 2021 (s11) Laners ranked from S+ tier (the best) to D tier.
A (TIER 1)
Meta Bot Lane 2021 is: Vayne, Tristana, Swain, Samira, Kai’sa, Jinx, Jhin, Ezreal,… This is strong carries that are favourable in the meta and often outperform their counterparts.
Champion | Pros |
Vayne | + Destroys Late game ( Hyper carry ). + Great in Team Fights and Split Pushing. + One of the Best Champs that Melts Tanks. + Huge Outplay potential. + True Damage. |
Tristana | + Good early game damage because of burst. + Got an escaperoute with the use of the w-ability. + Easy to farm because of Explosive Charge. + Great lategame damage because of attack speed and range. Tristana might be one of the best Marksmen if you got your full build early. |
Swain | + Kill pressure from level 1 + Can become tanky and still deal damage. + Versatile build paths allow different options of play. + Is able to take over a game. |
Samira | + A fun rewarding champion to play. + One of the strongest ADCs in the game to solo carry. + Can single handedly win a teamfight if played well. + Ultimate has no CD & Wild Rush Resets on kills. + Strong follow-up on engager supports. + Really mobile and fast champion, with flashy combos. +She can easily snowball a kill into a lead into a win. |
Kai’sa | + Great range with Void Seeker. + Can disengage and also re-engage quickly if needed. + Can build items like Zhonya’s Hourglass and utilize it fully. + Hybrid ratios on Q,W and R. + Has invisibility with evolved Supercharge. |
Jinx | + Area of Effect Damage. + Global Execute Ultimate. + Long Range Poke. + Takes Objectives Quickly. + Ranged Waveclear. |
Jhin | + Strong Lane Presence. + Incredible range and objective control. + Obscenely high AD. + Satisfying Animations. + Game changing ultimate. + Excellent Scaling. |
Ezreal | + Good farming. + Attack speed steroid. + Extremely hard to kill due to Arcane Shift. |
B (TIER 2)
Good carries that can compete in the meta and succeed in certain situations.
C (TIER 3)
Viable carries that have the necessary tools to get the job done.
D (TIER 4)
Underpowered carries that lack the strength to be executed efficiently.
Best meta Bot Lane Combo LOL Season 11
- Kai’sa – Rell.
- Tristana – Maokai.
- Jhin – Vel’Koz
- Samira – Alistar
- Vayne – Seraphine
- Swain – Nautilus
- Twitch – Lulu
- Draven – Thresh
- Ashe – Bard
- Miss Fortune – Leona
Read more: Other Meta LoL 2021