Tryndamere counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Tryndamere

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Tryndamere in wild rift?”

Tryndamere is an Fighter who goes to the carries and easily shuts them down quickly and finishes the other off.

To counter Tryndamere, you need…

Understand skill of Tryndamere

  • PASSIVE – BATTLE FURY: Tryndamere gains Fury for each attack, critical strike, and killing blow he makes. Fury passively increases his Critical Strike Chance and can be consumed with his Bloodlust spell.
  • BLOODLUST: Tryndamere thrives on the thrills of combat, increasing his Attack Damage as he is more and more wounded. He can cast Bloodlust to consume his Fury and heal himself.
  • MOCKING SHOUT: Tryndamere lets out an insulting cry, decreasing surrounding champions’ Attack Damage. Enemies with their backs turned to Tryndamere also have their Movement Speed reduced.
  • SPINNING SLASH: Tryndamere slices toward a target unit, dealing damage to enemies in his path.
  • ULTIMATE: UNDYING RAGE: Tryndamere’s lust for battle becomes so strong that he is unable to die, no matter how wounded he becomes.
+ Built in sustain
+ Amazing scaling
+ Super push late game
+ Early game crits
+ OP ulti
– Little mr and armor
– Countered by CC
– Countered by poke
– Burst susceptible
– Ulti reliable

Who can counters Tryndamere in wild rift?

Best Picks Against Tryndamere: Dr. Mundo, Camille, Gragas, Lee Sin, Fiora, Renekton, Jax,…

Worst Picks Against Tryndamere: Yasuo, akali,..

Items counters Tryndamere in wild rift?

Tips counter

Disturb Tryndamere in the early stages so he can’t kill minions and then heal with Bloodlust.

Remember, Tryndamere can only slow if you turn your back on him.

Most of Tryndamere’s damage is physical. If he becomes too strong, maybe buy Thornmail.

Read more: Tryndamere wild rift build

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