Kennen counter Wild Rift : Best Picks Against Kennen

I will share the topic: ” How to Counter Kennen in wild rift?”

Kennen top is a pokie lane bully that has strong dueling at level 6.

To counter Kennen, you need…

Understand skill of Kennen

  • PASSIVE – MARK OF THE STORM: Kennen stuns enemies he hits 3 times with his abilities.
  • THUNDERING SHURIKEN: Throws a shuriken, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit.
  • ELECTRICAL SURGE: Kennen passively deals extra damage and adds a Mark of the Storm to his target every few attacks, and he can activate this ability to damage and add another Mark of the Storm to targets who are already marked.
  • LIGHTNING RUSH: Kennen morphs into a lightning form, becoming unable to attack. Kennen gains movement speed when entering this form, and attack speed when leaving it.
  • ULTIMATE – SLICING MAELSTROM: Kennen summons a storm that strikes at nearby enemy champions for magical damage.
+ Doesn’t use mana.
+ Good mobility.
+ Good engage.
+ Good burst.
+ Good CC.
+ Strong laning phase.
+ Good AOE.
– Late game depends on ult.
– Not much sustain.
– Pretty squishy.
– Hard to play from behind.

Who can counters Kennen in wild rift?

Best Picks Against Kennen: Rengar, Nasus, Camille, Tryndamere, Tristana, Malphite, Lee Sin, Alistar,…

Worst Picks Against Kennen: Yauso, Tryndamere, Garen,…

Items counters Kennen in wild rift?

Tips counter

Kennen has a hard time against champions with Knock-back (e.g. Tristana Buster Shot)

Punish Kennen when his Lightning Rush is on cooldown.

Read more: Kennen wild rift build

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