Meta LoL 2022 – LoL Tier List Patch 12.16

Best Meta League of Legends Season 12 for lane : Top, Bot, Mid, Jungle,…

Meta Top Lane 2022

Meta Top Lane 2022 is: Sett, Garen, Dr. Mundo, Malphite, Nasus, K’Sante,… With high potential to snowball and carry games. Essential part to the team. There are champion you need Ban or Play, beacuse they very strong.

Meta Bot (ADC) Lane 2022

Meta Bot Lane 2022 is: Vayne, Kaisa, Jinx, Jhin, Kog’Mow, Ashe,… This is strong carries that are favourable in the meta and often outperform their counterparts.

Meta Mid Lane 2022

Meta Mid Lane 2022 is: Yasuo, Yone, Viktor, Lux, Annie, Anivia, Malzahar, Akshan, Vex ,… These picks are by far the best champions to pick if you want to climb with due to their high potential to snowball and carry games, as well as just being very broken and over-tuned currently.

Meta Jungle 2022

Meta Jungle 2022 is: Xin Zhao, Zac, Shaco, Graves, Viego, Warwick, Vi, Trundle, Master Yi,… These picks are by far the best champions to pick if you want to climb with due to their high potential to snowball and carry games.

Meta Bot (Sp) 2022

Sp meta 2022 is: Lulu, Morgana, Nami, Sona, Zyra,…

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